"From Roots to Soaring Skies" -- program notes for a cellobration of Tippet Rise, featuring two pieces written for their magical land by Reena Esmail and Dawn Avery.
The root of this program is J.S. Bach’s Suite No 1 for Solo Cello. In spending time with this Suite during the lock-down in 2020, I noticed the ingenious ways Bach takes 3 simple notes – G, B, and D – and turns them on their heads, creating 6 distinct and contrasting movements that each begin with, and bear out of, these sole notes. I had the idea that it would be fun to expand that motif and look for other pieces that use these 3 notes – or their minor counterpart (G, B-flat, D) and make a sort of “super-suite” or “mega-piece” by tying these pieces together. Of course, this generally means that I’m working in the keys of G major and g minor, and certainly not all pieces in those keys tell a cohesive (or coherent!) story when put together, but I found the end result – today’s program – compelled me.