Program notes for Philadelphia Virtual Music Phestival 4/11/2020; around the world with some of the most colourful works for solo cello.
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I was so preoccupied marvelling at how beautiful the light was and all the colours it was illuminating that I almost missed the rainbow…!
Today is World Mental Health Day, and it likely comes as a surprise to no one that my main form of self care comes in the form of surrounding myself with nature. What I realized in LA was that, when that wasn’t possible – when I didn’t have the hours available to take the bus down to the beach and escape into the ocean, I had to seek other ways to experience what I was missing – which I came to realize in large-part was awe.
Read MoreA Thousand Words
I was lucky enough to meet Jiyang a few years ago. Our friendship began in the café of a Whole Foods in NYC (Columbus Circle, if you’re familiar) after we’d bonded on Instagram over our love of nature (especially bears) (and photography and music, of course… okay, mostly bears).
Read MoreIn the Name of Make Believe
From my favourite ceiling at the Perlman Music Program’s Shelter Island campus
…and that’s what art is supposed to do, right? Move us to our very core; shatter our beliefs, rip us out of our comfort zones, make us reconsider how we perceive the things that surround us.
Read MoreThe Gain of Pain
One of my most favourite things about being alive is the richness of the world we inhabit. Every day, I wake up to the same world. Every morning, I travel the same paths that many have traveled before me, and even I myself have walked upon innumerable times. And yet? Every day there is something different.
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Welcome and thank you for visiting my new and improved website! I am excited about this new challenge of keeping a blog -- something I have long intended to do, but never made a priority. Soon I hope to take you on a journey through the eclectic mind of a fashion-designing, nature-admiring, book obsessed, adventure-loving Canadian cellist! Please check back soon for my first blog posts.
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