celebrating the official release of my new collaborative album, [in]verse! Co-created and produced by Fall for Dance North, and released on the Bright Shiny Things label.
Order your physical or digital copy at https://www.brightshiny.ninja/inverse, and/or stream wherever you prefer to listen to music (Spotify here). Album features several incredible musicians, dance-makers, composers, and writers (like Vicky Chow, piano; Lun Li, violin; Frankie Carr, cello; Michelle Ross, Daniel Bernard Roumain, J.S. Bach, Bright Sheng, Reena Esmail, Edward Elgar, Kenji Bunch, Matthias McIntire, India Gailey, Ryan Wilmot, Joseph de Boismortier, Reinhold Glière, Leyla McCalla, Scott Ordway; composers; Emma Portner, Michael Greyeyes, Sean Dorsey, Mthuthuzeli November, Margaret Grenier, Patricia Beatty, Rhodnie Desir, Shantala Shivalingappa, Quentin VerCetty, Esie Mensah; dance-makers)
To learn more about the album, please visit this blog post in my own words, or our official landing page at https://www.ffdnorth.com/programs/inverse?/tab/about